Resolve Tooth Decay with Class Root Canal Treatment Gurgaon!


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Among the dental issues, most of the patients across the world suffer from severe kind of tooth decay issue that breaks mental peace of a person. It is not just painful but checks one from carrying routine activities. One is completely barred from enjoying three times meal in a day and completely depends on painkillers to reduce the pain. But is taking daily two painkillers the right solution to remove the persistent tooth decay issue? No it could turn out fatal for pain killer consumption have resulted to many kind of health side effects.

The best solution therefore is to go for a root canal treatment that can resolve the problem completely. This treatment is just a door step away from one and one that provides flawless treatment. Root canal treatment Gurgaon is what we are taking about and it does not fall short in any area from a recognized foreign dental treatment.

Root Canal Treatment Gurgaon

What is root canal treatment?

This treatment analyzes any kind of injury or small/large cavity damages occurring in any of the tooth right from its root. Cavity destructs the root and leaves it either infected or inflamed. The purpose of the treatment is to destroy the infection and bring back the strong grip of the tooth and its root with artificial procedure.

Root Canal Treatment Gurgaon

Procedure of Root Canal treatment

  • Root canal specialist first of all numbs the tooth area for the patient to at ease while process is carried out. A small opening is created over the crown of the tooth till the pulp chamber.
  • In order to clean the infection and the unhealthy pulp situated inside the pulp, special files are used to drain out all the debris out from the canal. For filling purpose, proper shapes are made in the canals.
  • The open canal is filled with permanent solution so that in future no form of infection or contamination takes place to pose threat to a person oral hygiene.
  • Above the permanent solution is placed another coat of temporary filling to seal the opening until a permanent crown /cap is placed above the tooth
  • For extra support a post is placed to ensure full crown support. Finally crowning touch is given in the form of support  to give in permanent shape and placement to the tooth at Root Canal Treatment Gurgaon.

Catch Hold of Best Cosmetic Dentistry Gurgaon to Get a Perfect Smile!


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Just like a day filled with bright sunshine can change your entire day, similarly a bright joyful smile can change the meaning of your life. When does a person widen completely to give a smile that is right out of one’s heart? It is at that moment, when one does not have any kind of complex working inside a person. Even a slight complex working inside a person, withhold the smile of a person. These complexes can be related to teeth structure, gums problem, black patches on the teeth and many other issues.

The best solution to sideline any kind of complex related to teeth structure or gums can be resolved with best cosmetic dentistry Gurgaon, at an affordable rate. Cosmetic dentistry implies dental work that works on the appearance of teeth of a person, gums structure and or bite.

Services related to cosmetic dentistry

  • Teeth straightening
  • Teeth whitening
  • Smile makeover
  • Replace of teeth
  • Teeth filling
  • Repair of deformed / defected teeth
  • Jaw surgery to bring in perfect shape and structure
  • Application of Metal Free Crowns

Additional services to resolve any disorder related to dentistry

The dental specialist apply specialized treatment to bring back original colour of any tooth, fill up any missing teeth, apply treatment to fill in the space in the crowned teeth, remove excessive gum that hides the main surface of the teeth and brings back adequacy by working on the poor appearance of smile.

All such facilities are possible due to the specialized medical infrastructure and highly qualified experts to handle that infrastructure in the most adequate manner. The aim of such specialist is to bring about not just perfect smile on one’s face but to instil self confidence in any person. It is a happy life that makes a man live highly motivated and healthy in life.

Hence you now need not cross off shores to avail the specialized treatment when you have everything right at your doorstep and handled by qualified specialist. Expense is no bar to receiving the treatment at best cosmetic dentistry clinic in Gurgaon as it is carried out at perfect worth on each treatment.

Root Canal Treatment (Endodontic Therapy) in Gurgaon


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Root canal treatment has turned out to become an effective way whereby teeth can be saved from being removed. Many people have started to embrace this treatment procedure whereby thousands of teeth are saved every year. It is not a painful treatment procedure and the trend of Root Canal Treatment (Endodontic Therapy) Gurgaon is growing.

Root Canal Treatment (Endodontic Therapy) GurgaonIn this procedure, the inside of the tooth is treated to relieve the patent from pain. Inside the hard layer dentin, there is also a soft tissue called the pulp. This pulp contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues. It often gets inflamed due to infection. The infection causes due to number of reasons such as crack, repeated dental procedures, deep decay, and faulty crowns. A fully developed tooth, can normally survive even without the pulp. So, an orthodontist would remove the pulp from the decaying tooth as the tooth can find nourishment from tissues surrounding it.

The next step is to clean and disinfect the inside of the tooth where the pulp has been removed. This is followed by sealing it with a rubber-like material known as gutta-percha. Then it is protected with a crown or filling and thus the tooth is restored. So, it can function like other teeth and used for chewing, biting and appears natural.

Root Canal Treatment (Endodontic Therapy) Before After

Root canal treatment is done in Gurgaon and it remains a very comfortable experience for people visiting an endodontic in Gurgaon. The fist appointment is about opening up the tooth, cleaning the infected parts, disinfecting all canals, and placing of a temporary dressing. The next visit also remains about disinfecting the tooth and putting in medicines so as to ensure that no pain remains. Finally, the doctor goes for a fill up of the root canal using ‘gutta-percha’. Then the tooth is filled up with a crown. The patient is advised by the doctor to put on a ‘cap’ so that the tooth becomes solid and unbreakable.

Root Canal Treatment Gurgaon(Endodontic Therapy) Root Canal Treatment Gurgaon is affordable and just anyone experiencing tooth decay can go for it. Remove all fear from the mind that root canal can be painful. It is not! In-fact, the treatment can save teeth from being removed and the procedure also relieves the patient from tooth pain almost instantly.

Root Canal Treatment is a Tooth Guarding Solution in Gurgaon


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Our Teeth are susceptible to our daily lifestyle habits and also affect sour normal aging. So losing teeth can have disturbing effects in our social and professional life. Many tooth disorders such as deep cavity, cracked tooth, and tooth infection, can be cured with Root Canal Treatment (RCT). To save your original teeth by RCT and know oral hygiene from specialized dentist, opt for root canal treatment in Gurgaon.

The term “root canal” derives from cleaning of the canals inside a teeth’s root. It is a treatment to repair and restore a severely spoiled or infected teeth instead of removing it. Restored teeth functions normally like other toot and can last lifetime with proper dental care. RCT include extracting of the damaged teeth and replacing it with a dental implant, plus removal of partial denture.

 The advances in dental sciences and local anesthetics has eliminated the preconceived notion of pain associated with root canaling, people now have little pain in RCT. Perhaps it is more painful living with a decayed tooth than RCT pain. RCT saves original teeth which would otherwise have been extracted. But decay can still arise in treated teeth therefore it is advisable to maintain good oral hygiene and regular dental exams for preventing further problems.

Root canal treatment can save our original teeth and it is necessary to opt for RCT if the zone near the teeth root gets infected. Infection may arise due to severe decay, advanced periodontal disease, or crack in the teeth. This zone contains nerves and pulp, and when the infection spreads into this zone of the teeth, the only way to preserve the teeth is to implement root canal treatment. Without RCT, the infection will continue to spread, and the teeth will be finally extracted. RCT removes the infection and eliminate the source of the pain.

RCT is an endodontic therapy, which requires specialist dentists and endodontics to implement the therapy. Hence it is recommended to opt for an experienced and specialist dentists. Following are the best root canal treatment Gurgaon. These RCT clinics are equipped with modern medical apparatus and equipment, while experienced dentists and endodontics perform root canals safely and efficiently.

Put a full Stop to dental issues with Dental treatment Gurgaon!


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A famous proverb tells “Health is Wealth “and surely this proverb counts a lot in the life of human. If one totally cuts off the health aspect from their day today life, they sit back regretting highly later for they are left with ill health. Ill health of any kind can jeopardise the entire life mechanism of a person. But in the modern life every people put certain amount of attention on their health.

Just as one is highly conscious about their heart and brain, same way it is equally important that a person puts in equal attention on their oral health as well. Negligence to oral hygiene may result great impact on one’s life. Know your best oral hygiene by going forward to taking Dental treatment Gurgaon which is a one stop solution that covers any kind of oral hygiene. The dental treatments carried out at Gurgaon confirms to Global Standards in Terms of:

  • Equipment which are highly advanced in nature
  • Expertise comprising best Dental Professionals and surgeons
  • Materials used in the treatment range all high quality from best brands

With these factors in hand, one cannot doubt the credentials of the treatment that good Dental centres located in Gurgaon provides the patients seeking their help for each dental treatment. Indian national do not have to think much about how they should avail a class dental treatment for themselves. Yes they know they can easily get it in their own country from their very own national experts at an affordable price and easy to reach destination.

Following areas covered in dental treatment at Gurgaon:

  • Tooth Extraction
  • Root Canal Treatment
  • Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Instant Teeth Whitening
  • Smile Makeover with Veneers
  • Dentures/Denture
  • Gingivectomy & Gingivoplasty
  • Gum Depigmentation
  • Gum Contouring
  • Restorations With Crowns and Bridges
  • Orthodontics/Braces
  • Children’s/ Kid’s Dentistry
  • Full Mouth Rehabilitations
  • Orthodontics/Braces
  • Gum De-pigmentation

These are not just what you will experience from a Dental treatment Gurgaon as there’s a lot to the treatment besides these basics. To know more consult a good dental physician like that of Dr Khosla’s dental clinic comprises. Remember with a dental issue, your smile and your mouth watering food habit will trigger up. So take no changes with your dental hygiene but resolve it fast and easily with an expert treatment.

Regain Your Smile and Confidence with New Year Deals from Khosla Dental Clinic


Wanna looking smart??? Uhhfff you have beautiful eyes, well styled hair styles, branded clothes and apparels but what happens when you go on date with your girl friend and boyfriend, surreally do you feel shy to show you grin just because of yellowish teeth, broken, missed or chipped tooth? Also can not enjoy kissing each other just because of bad breath so do not miss these “New Year special” deals provided by Dr. Khosla dental clinic especially for those who want to bring back their smile. These deals are designed from Kids to Adult all category age and with a big range of treatments including implants, cosmetic, teeth whitening, dental hygiene and invisalign consultation with a huge savings of 10% discounts.

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Give Celebrity Smile with White Appearing Teeth

When you talk with someone either you are in a business meeting or in social life. While taking with others everybody notice you from your complete personality. It begins from eyes, hairs, face, lips skin color and height but your face always play an important role to leave a dazzling memories on others all time. You always wish to have appealing face, nick, rosy and warmed lips, which cannot be complete without white teeth.  You teeth always get eye caching beauty to attract and show about your daily life’s activities that how much you care about self, so surely you will care your professionalism, your environment and will pave a healthy culture.

How Can Get You Perfect Smile with White and Brighter Teeth?

Getting better white teeth and bright is not easy without caring it demands more to taking care, but basic mantra is keeping away from general decease, which can harm your teeth’s beauty and which is the sign of some serious health problems. Following are the general decease which can be occurs any time. Take the brief about these:

  • Tooth Decay
  • Gum Diseases
  • Tooth Sensitivity
  • Bad Breath
  • Tooth Erosion

What is Tooth Decay?

Main cause of tooth decay happens from cavity. It begins when bacteria leave acid in tooth’s tissues that’s called enamel and dentine. For more information about the how to prevent teeth decay visit

What is Gingivitis?

In this decease bacteria accumulate the films on the teeth it is called plaque and when you do not clean it through daily brushing or flossing. It can generate the toxins that can damage the gum tissues and causing gingivitis. For more information about how to prevent Gingivitis follow this link

What is Teeth Sensitivity?

Teeth sensitivity is happened due to the continuous confession of the softer part of your teeth that can be found under the teeth enameled. For more information about how to prevent sensitivity follow this link

What is Bad Breath?

Halitosis (Bad Breath) can indicates that you have a distressing fragrance on your breathing that other individuals observe when you talk or take in out. The actual variety of individuals with bad breathing is not known, but it is typical. For more information about the prevention of this decease follow this link

What is tooth erosion?

Acid erosion can cause long lasting damage to the tooth and can be quite agonizing. Chemicals of different focus and durability can bring damage to the tooth.  The hard cells of the tooth can deteriorate. For more information about the prevention of this decease follow this link…

At last conclusion is that if you want to reduce the visits of dental clinic and risk over oral problems you need to care your tooth as well in a good manner.

Author Bio

Arohi Mishra is an Internet Marketing Manager for Dr. Futela’s Dental Clinic Gurgaon.She likes to write content on dentistry related topics. By Arohi Mishra .

How to Prevent (Xerostomia) Dry Mouth


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??????????????????????????????????????Overview: Dry Mouth Syndrome is related with the less amount of salvia in our mouth. This problem is an earlier symptom of many problems such as decay. Some time it makes crucial to speak and if it proceed continuously then can lead some serious mouth and throat disorder.

Who are mostly affected with Dry Mouth?

In average approximate research it affects every 10 peoples from 100 and most probably is found in females compare to males. It affects older age persons mostly and for those who are taking a prescription and nonprescription drugs.

What are the causes of Xerostomia?

With the exception of mouth breathing, the decrease in the amount of saliva, and the subsequent development of dry mouth, is mainly due to general body causes, not to local oral problems.

  1. Side Effect of Some Certain Medications
  2. Side Effect of Some Decease
  3. Nerve Damage
  4. Graft Versus Host Disease
  5. Therapeutic Irradiation
  6. Bad Lifestyle Habits ( Such as Smoking or Chewing Tobacco)

How Can You Prevent (Xerostomia) generally?

In medical term this is essential to know in detail about the root cause of these problems, sometime this could be some medical prescriptions your dentist may suggest you to change that medicines. Otherwise there are other options too which can be given to you that are:

  1. Dentists can advice to use Salvia Substitutes like artificial Salvia
  2. In rare case this problem can require surgery mostly in salivary gland blockages

Home remedies to prevent Dry Mouth:

  1. Sip standard water or other sugar-free fruit juices frequently
  2. Keep liquids at bedroom at night
  3. Chew sugarless gum or candy
  4. Avoid cigarettes, liquor and meals high in sugar
  5. Adjust the air moisture in your home
  6. Breathe through your nasal area, not through your mouth
  7. Avoid Smoking
  8. Suck on Ice chips
  9. Use humidifier
  10. You can use Oral B. Neutral Care and Biotene Fry Mouth

Disclaimer: Above information is share only the purpose of helping people to understand (Xerostomia) in a general way and this is not substitute of experienced dentist will recommend you to consult with a good practitioner before applying any tips.

Author Bio

Arohi Mishra is an Internet Marketing Manager for Dr. Futela Dental Clinic, Gurgaon. She likes to write content on dentistry related topics. By Arohi Mishra .

7 Fresh Tips to Prevent Bad Breath


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In papyrus scrolls dating back from 1550 BC, Hippocrates, the Greek physician famed as the father of medicine, offered a formula for sweet-smelling breath: rinsing with a mouthwash made of red wine, anise and dill.  Toothpaste is even older than that, with an ancient Egyptian medical text called the Ebers Papyruscontaining recipes dating back some 6,000 years, while toothbrushes to apply it were only invented about 500 years ago, most likely by the Chinese, reports Dr. Harold Katz, director of the California Breath Clinics and author of The Bad Breath Bible.

Today, 93 million Americans suffer from chronically bad breath (halitosis), which can sometimes signal other health problems. If you or someone you smooch with regularly is one of them, these tactics can help restore fresh breath, according to Margaret Mitchell, DDS and other experts.

Get the latest information about proper oral care for a healthy smile and a strong body.

1. Clean your tongue. Along with brushing and flossing twice a day, also use a tongue scraper, available at most drugstores, or brush your tongue. “Your tongue, especially the top back, is a serious source of halitosis,” says Dr. Mitchell. That’s because your tongue has millions of filaments that can trap food particles and bacteria, leading to oral odor. 

2. Chew sugarless gum.  Surprising as it sounds, saliva is the best defense against bad breath. A common cause of halitosis is dry mouth, which can be triggered by certain medications and health problems. If you’re wondering why morning breath can be smelly, that’s because saliva flow is lower during sleep. Chewing gum counteracts these problems by stimulating salivation. What’s more, gum containing the sugar substitute xylitol may help reduce cavity-causing bacteria, a recent study suggests. 

3. Scent your breath with cinnamon. Unlike other flavorings, such as mint, which only mask bad breath, cinnamon appears to have odor-combating compounds, with a study presented at the annual meeting of International Association for Dental Research reporting that the cinnamon-flavored gum, Big Red, seems to reduce odor-causing bacteria. In the study, people who chewed the gum had a more than 50 percent drop in bacteria levels.

Check out eight other foods like cinnamon that help your body heal.

4. Keep your mouth moist. Drinking more water also helps wash away bad-smelling bacteria. There’s also research indicating that drinking tea may be helpful, since it contains polypehnols, a plant chemical that may help curb bacterial growth. 

5. Pay attention to your diet. An unfortunate side effect of a low-carb diet, such as the Atkins plan, can be “dragon breath” due to ketosis (the fat-burning state that is one of the goals of this type of diet).  The only cure is increasing carbs, though chewing mint leaves or parsley can temporarily mask the problem. Also watch out for other foods that can trigger mouth odor, such as coffee, alcohol, and such obvious culprits as onions and garlic. 

6. Choose the right mouthwash. Antibacterial mouthwashes help combat oral infections, thus improving breath. An analysis of five studies involving 293 participants by the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews found that such ingredients as chlorhexidine and cetylpyridinium chloride, chlorine dioxide and zinc are all helpful for reducing mouth odor. However, chlorhexidine mouthwash, available by prescription from dentists, can temporarily stain teeth and your tongue. If your dentist advises it to clear up an oral infection, you may be told to dip a Q-tip into the mouthwash and apply it to the backs of your teeth and gums, or only to the infected area. 

7. Rule out medical problems.  90 percent of the time, halitosis is triggered by microbes in the mouth. Common dental causes include cavities, gum disease (which may not cause any obvious symptoms other than bad breath), and faulty tooth restorations that have become a breeding ground for bacteria. However, if you have good oral health—and persistent halitosis—check with your doctor, since such illnesses as respiratory tract infections, diabetes, acid reflux disease, liver disease and even cancer, in rare cases, can also cause mouth odor, cautions Dr. Mitchell. One of the best ways to protect your oral health—and keep your breath fresh—is to avoid tobacco use, which greatly increases risk for gum disease and oral cancer.

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Preventing tooth erosion during pregnancy and in babies and toddlers


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Tooth erosion is the process by which acids attack and dissolve teeth. Research has shown the prevalence of dental erosion is increasing, and likewise dentists are reporting a significant increase in cases of tooth erosion compared to five years ago. Hence, the ADA’s focus for Dental Health Week is to highlight the dangers of erosion with an awareness campaign that aims to educate Australians and prevent the effects of this irreversible condition.

Tooth erosion occurs due to a number of factors, with diet being one of the major contributors. Soft drinks, sports drinks, energy drinks and fruit juices all have high acid levels, which contribute to erosion. Vomiting and reflux are also causes of increased tooth exposure to acids, and are as such a common cause of tooth erosion.

Tooth Erosion and Pregnant Women
As a result of this, pregnant women who experience morning sickness and/or reflux are at a greater risk of dental erosion due to the regular exposure of the teeth to stomach acids. If you are pregnant and experiencing these conditions, there are a number of easy habits to prevent damage to your teeth. These include:

  • Don’t brush your teeth for at least one hour after sickness and/or reflux
  • Rinse your mouth with water, preferably fluoridated tap water, which will assist in removing acids
  • Chewing sugar free gum can stimulate saliva flow and rinse acids away
  • You can also lightly smear fluoride toothpaste on your teeth or rinse with an alcohol free fluoride mouthwash, which will help to provide additional protection against the erosive effects of vomiting and reflux

While some doctors encourage pregnant women to drink fizzy lemon drinks to help calm morning sickness, try to avoid the erosive citrus of the lemon by substituting this beverage with sparkling mineral water or rinse afterwards with water to return the mouth to a neutral pH faster. These alternatives should have the same stomach settling effect.

Snacking throughout the day can also help to control morning sickness. Chose snacks that provide a low acid energy boost, such as dry biscuits and crackers, and rinse with water after snacking to reduce the effect on teeth. There are low kilojoule, non acidic alternatives available from your pharmacy such as lozenges containing xylitol. See your dentist for more information on foods with a lower acidity.

Some women find that brushing their teeth while pregnant encourages vomiting, however, by not brushing regularly you can put yourself at risk of tooth erosion. To avoid the retching feeling, try using a brush with a small head, like the kind you would buy for your toddler. It can also help to try to practice relaxation while brushing by closing your eyes, listening to music and taking your time.

Because minimising exposure of your teeth to acids is the best way to minimise tooth erosion, and given the higher level of stomach and other acids hitting your teeth during pregnancy, try to avoid eating acidic foods such as citrus fruits and drinking acidic beverages like soft drink and fruit juice during this time.

During your pregnancy, it is important to maintain dental visits and to inform your dentist of your pregnancy as this may impact on the type of care needed to maintain good oral health.

Speak to your dentist about other products available to protect your teeth during pregnancy.

Tooth erosion: babies and toddlers:
Did you know that babies begin to develop their teeth and bones in the fourth month of pregnancy? Healthy nutrition for the mother during pregnancy will help the teeth and bones of the baby develop optimally.

Research indicates that Australian children are showing increased rates of tooth erosion, so preventing or at least minimising the impact of tooth erosion is paramount to avoiding a lifetime of treatment and discomfort, and must start from an early age.

The following tips can help to avoid and minimise erosion in your baby’s teeth:

  • Encourage your baby to drink fluoridated tap water rather than acidic fruit juices, which can cause dental erosion
  • If consuming acidic drinks, limit them to mealtimes and finish the meal with water.
  • If your baby does drink juice, as with any other beverages, encourage the use of an age appropriate sipper cup with a straw to minimise the acid exposure to teeth
  • Serve acidic drinks like fruit juice and cordial chilled, as cooler temperatures have been shown to be less likely to cause tooth erosion
  • If your baby consumes acidic foods and drinks, encourage them to have a drink of water afterwards, which will help to rinse their mouth and assist with the removal of remaining acids
  • Eating cheese or drinking milk following acidic food or beverages can help to neutralise the acids and protect your baby’s teeth.

Above all, it is important for all people, including babies, to follow these basic principles in order to minimise or prevent tooth erosion:

  • Enjoy a wide variety of nutritious foods, especially those rich in calcium and low in acids and sugars
  • Enjoy healthy snacks, but give your teeth a break
  • Drink plenty of fluoridated tap water with and between meals
  • Good dental care is not pre-wired in your children, so be sure to teach your kids positive teeth habits from an early age
  • Brush gently and thoroughly with a smear of fluoride toothpaste with a low concentration for children under 6 years) and a soft, compact head toothbrush
  • Clean your teeth twice a day, after breakfast and just before bed
  • Have regular dental check-ups – don’t wait for a problem to occur
  • Dental check-ups start with your baby’s first birthday or within 6 months of the appearance of the first tooth
  • Remember, good general health begins with good oral health

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